Stop Modern Slavery

This campaign seeks to raise awareness of modern slavery in the UK. It also calls for better support for survivors, as well as more effective action to eradicate the problem.

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Modern slavery is a complex crime that takes a number of different forms. It encompasses slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking. Traffickers and slave drivers coerce, deceive and force individuals against their will into a life of abuse, servitude and inhumane treatment. Victims may be sexually exploited, forced to work for little or no pay or forced to commit criminal activities against their will.

The true extent of modern slavery in the UK and globally is unknown, but the best estimates suggest that there are around 40 million victims worldwide. The UK government estimates that there are tens of thousands of people in slavery in the UK today.

Modern slavery crimes are being committed across the UK and are taking place in many different sectors including factories, fields, brothels, nail bars and even within people’s homes. There is no typical victim of slavery – victims can be men, women or children of all ages and nationalities. According to the Salvation Army, the number of UK victims who had been enslaved through labour exploitation rose by 63% between July 2018 and June 2019.

How you can get involved

  1. Find out more about our campaign by downloading our campaign action pack here.
  2. Print, cut and share these wallet cards to know what signs to spot for modern slavery and how to report it.
  3. Share your experiences with us
    If you have encountered modern slavery in your community or have reported concerns, please do get in touch to share your experiences with us. With your permission, stories that are shared with us may be used anonymously as part of our policy and campaigning work in NFWI Public Affairs resources, WI Life, the WI websites and on our social media channels. Please email [email protected]
    If you suspect modern slavery, please contact the relevant authority first.

If you are a WI Member or Supporter Plus, we have more ways to get involved on MyWI. Find out more here.

Find out more about modern slavery  

  • For an explanation of modern slavery, visit the websites of organisations such as Unseen UK and Haven of Light
  • For more data on the nature and extent of modern slavery in the UK, take a look at the latest ONS report (published in March 2020)
  • To find out more about the signs of modern slavery, how to report it, and sources of support visit the Met Police website
  • For more details on the UK Government’s approach to modern slavery, download the Modern Slavery Statement

You can also find briefing notes, a PowerPoint presentation, a discussion guide and further information about how this resolution was passed here.

Guidance on the use of responsible imagery

According to the University of Nottingham, particular images used to represent modern slavery can create an inaccurate portrayal of what it looks like and risks harming anti-slavery work by creating mis-information. For this reason, we would advise you to think carefully about using images and what they may portray about the topic and those who have experienced exploitation. If you are unsure please get in touch with us.

If you are not already a WI member, the members decide the WI campaigns through a democratic vote. We would love to welcome a new WI member, please click here for further details.

Become a supporter!

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