Climate Change

The WI has a proud history of taking action to protect the environment. As a founding member of The Climate Coalition, the WI movement works to urge policymakers to take decisive action to tackle climate change, and to encourage community networks to come together on climate action projects in their local area.


A large group of women/WI members standing together outside holding up banners/placards at the Climate Change Mass Lobby

For nearly 100 years, WI members have led campaigns to conserve the natural world from environmental degradation and climate change. Generations of WI members have used their campaigning might to call for action on issues as diverse as water pollution (1936), acid rain (1985),  the ozone layer and CFCs (1988), deforestation (1989), renewable energy (1977 and 2006), litter - a campaign which founded one of Britain’s leading environmental organisations Keep Britain Tidy in 1954 – recycling and conservation of resources (2005), and the protection of birds (1933), honeybees (2009) and animal welfare.

Be it making simple swaps in their own lives, or lobbying policymakers as part of the WI’s Climate Ambassador scheme, more and more WI members are taking action to protect our world for generations to come.

Our recent climate change campaign achievements






What climate campaigns will the WI be focusing on in 2023?

As the largest women’s voluntary organisation in the UK, the WI will be using our campaigning might to call for ambitious domestic policies that get the UK on track for net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. We will be working alongside partners in The Climate Coalition, Warm this Winter and Unchecked UK to campaign for green, clean solutions to rising energy bills, and to retain hard-won environmental policies and protections.

The WI will also be continuing to boost our WI Climate Ambassador scheme with new resources, training, and expert panel events. If you are a WI member, you can find out more about the WI Climate Ambassador scheme here.

If you are not already a WI member, the members decide the WI campaigns through a democratic vote. We would love to welcome a new WI member, please click here for further details.

How to get involved

  • Make and send your MP your own ‘Patchwork Green Heart’ to let them know you are counting on them to take decisive action on climate change
  • Visit The Climate Coalition’s website to find out more about Show the Love and the Great Big Green Week, access campaign resources, and how you can take part
  • Visit the Warm this Winter website to find out more about the Warm this Winter campaign, access campaign resources and get involved in campaign actions

If you are a WI Member or Supporter Plus, we have more ways to get involved on My WI. Find out more here.

Become a supporter!

Are you passionate about our campaigns and would like to become part of the largest women’s organisation in the UK?

There are ways of joining and supporting the WI that are suitable for everyone. You can find out more here.