Who we are
Our Board of Trustees and staff are committed to maintaining the WI’s core values and shaping the organisation for generations of women to come.
The NFWI Board of Trustees is a panel of members who are democratically elected every two years to lead the organisation as a whole.
Around 40 people currently work for the NFWI, headed by nine members of senior staff. The staff team is led by the NFWI Chief Executive, Melissa Green.
Board of Trustees:
- Jeryl Stone (NFWI Chair)
- Hilary Haworth (NFWI Honorary Treasurer, Chair of Finance Committee)
- Tracy Baker (NFWI Vice Chair, Chair of Education Committee)
- Chrissie Booth (NFWI Vice Chair, Chair of Public Affairs Committee)
- Paula Pierce (Chair of the Membership Committee)
- Ann Mitchell (Chair of WI Enterprises Ltd Board)
- Pam Beedan (Chair of the Denman Trust Board)
- Jill Rundle (Chair of the Federations of Wales Committee)
- Angie Leach (NFWI Trustee)
- Yvonne Price (NFWI Trustee)
Senior staff:
- Melissa Green (Chief Executive)
- Edward Adomako (Head of Finance)
- Rhian Connick (Head of NFWI-Wales office)
- Jason Douglas (Head of Digital Services)
- Emma Holland-Lindsay (Head of Public Affairs)
- Anupreet Jeetun (Head of Education and Training)
- Karen Lake (Head of Human Resources)
- Mark Linacre (Head of WI Enterprises)
- Joanna Rayner (Head of Membership and Engagement)