Festive Food Matters

According to WRAP (Waste and Resources Action Programme), the greenhouse gas emissions associated with a year's worth of potatoes thrown away from UK homes is capable of melting almost 1 million square meters of Arctic Ice. The festive time can often play a major role in the amount of food we waste.

Using our ‘Top 10 Tips to Reduce Your Household Food Waste’ list, submitted by WI members, we’ve outlined some easy ways you can keep mindful of and reduce your household food waste this Christmas.

  1. Use meal plans and shopping lists

    By checking what you already have and making a shopping list you can help prevent over-buying, which can lead to food waste.

  2. Make use of all the food

    There’s so much you can do with leftover Christmas food and to help use up everything in your kitchen. Adopting a habit of checking before you throw can help save a lot of food waste.

    The Love Food Hate Waste website has some great recipes to make use of leftover and unused food: www.lovefoodhatewaste.com/recipes

  3. Become a portion planning pro
    You can reduce waste by getting to grips with how much food you need to cook for each person.

The portion planner provides guidance so you don’t cook too much or over-serve food: www.lovefoodhatewaste.com/portion-planner

For some more great tips on how you can reduce your household food waste check out our video and list here: www.hpfwi.co.uk/campaigns/key-and-current-campaigns/food-matters

Check out 'Love Food Hate Waste’s' virtual advent calendar on Twitter to find out about some more top tips: @LFHW_UK

Donating Food

According to the Food Foundation, the number of adults who are food insecure in the UK is estimated to have quadrupled due to the Coronavirus pandemic, making the need for food donations greater than ever.

Food banks are anticipating more demand over the Christmas period, with an expected 61% increase in the number of food parcels needed this winter. If you are able to help, please donate to your local food bank this winter.

Find out what items your local food bank is in need of and donate directly to them. You can find out where your nearest foodbank is here: www.trusselltrust.org/get-help/find-a-foodbank/

Major supermarkets across the country have set up ‘collection points’ in their stores. Whilst shopping, buy any items you are able to donate and drop them off at the collection point before you leave. Get in touch with your local supermarket to see if they have a collection point available.

For further information get in touch with us at [email protected]