Sewerby WI
"It's great to be part of something bigger. Whether it's joining in with our beach clean-up group or food with friends there is always someone who says See you there!"
"It's great to be part of something bigger. Whether it's joining in with our beach clean-up group, a walk, or food with friends there is always someone who says See you there!"
- When was your WI formed?
Whilst Bucks Fizz were “Making their Mind Up” to win the 1981 Eurovision Song Contest a group of inspiring women in Sewerby made their minds up to form Sewerby WI in March 1981.
- How do you promote the group?
We are not shy about coming forward! We post regularly on our own social media pages and publicize activities on local events pages. You will find our members in their WI t-shirts at community events and making the most of every photo opportunity which helps to raise our profile. We contact our local press and radio station when we have something to shout about. These media outlets share our stories on their social media platforms as well as in print/on air.
- At our meetings we...
challenge expectations and ourselves and we champion women’s voices.
- What are the 3 best things about our group:
The Chat! Despite meeting in a library, we're great talkers. When we get together the conversation never stops - whether we're having a natter over a drink or exploring new topics. There is always something interesting to discuss.
The Space To Be You Whatever your approach to life, there is always a welcome and room for you at Sewerby WI.
The sense of belonging. It's great to be part of something bigger. Whether it's joining in with our beach clean-up group, a walk, or food with friends there is always someone who says “See you there”.
- What does your group enjoy and value most ...
One thing that unites us all is a passion for our coastal community and its habitat.
It brings us face-to-face with the plight of nature and we are very conscious of how delicately balanced the coast and its rugged landscape is.
We value our community and you will find us supporting our local lifeboat, championing the vulnerable, and making a difference wherever we can.
- The WI is...
Like our coastline, always exciting and interesting you never know what you are going to discover next.
- Describe your members in one word... Big-hearted!
- Breaking stereotypes... Axe throwing, sea swimming to name but two of our activities. Our Conversations Café is helping to promote understanding and respect for different cultural perspectives and experiences and is a visible example that Sewerby WI welcomes all women.
- Something people don't know about WI...
The WI attracts women of all ages and life stages. You can join at the age of 18 and be a lifelong member.
- How has WI changed in 107 years?....
In terms of its spirit and fighting for what's right, not much - although the causes themselves have evolved. The profile of our members has altered too – we are proud of our diversity and inclusive ethos.